Friday 29 May 2015

The rise of Social Media Marketing in India

In the past, the advertising was pretty much through word of mouth. A product or a service would be used by a customer and if he liked it, he would tell his family or friends about the product. Even today a lot of advertising happens through word of mouth. In fact, word of mouth is even now a more trusted source than any other form of advertising. It is discovered that people are more likely to trust the word of someone they know rather than an unknown entity. Advertising as we see it today – in the form of TV commercials, print ad, radio commercials, etc. are a great way of making people aware of the brand, product or service. But when you need that added push… the necessary motivation for a person to actually want to try the product, the person is most likely to rely on the word of someone he trusts.

Advertising has always been trying to reach the people they are targeting where they are. So if an advertiser is talking to a man in his late 30s who is a professional, the advertiser would try to reach his message to this target with the use of newspapers and radio – the logic being that a 30 something professional man will be spending a lot of time on the road or travelling to get to his work place and during that time he would be reading the day’s news or listening to the radio. But that was then and this is now… Today, you will find all your target audience and their neighbours, friends and enemies on social media. Cue the entry of social media marketing in India. This form of advertising allows the advertiser to reach his audience directly. There is also an added advantage to advertising on social media… your brand gets the word of mouth advertising that every brand craves. People on social media share everything. People’s lives have become open books that can be shared and disclosed to the world with a click of a button. There have been many cases of people reviewing products, brands and services on their social media pages so that their friends or followers may know their views about that product and their experience with it. There are some rare cases when there could be a negative review, but when there is a positive review, that is an unpaid advertising from your target audience talking to the rest of your target audience.

Social Media Marketing in India has in many ways given the power of advertising to the target audience, it has also give the advertiser the opportunity to intimately speak to the client on a one-to-one basis without the clutter of other advertisers.

So here’s to the time of social media power. The time when anything is possible.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the information shared here. I enjoyed reading the article.
    Social Media Marketing
